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Ethnology of Manihiki and Rakahanga

Figure 4. House framework: a, view from above; b, side view. 1, temporary posts; 2, longitudinal beams (hapai), 24 feet 3 inches long, 7 inches in diameter, laid parallel 12.5 feet apart; 3, crossbeams (vae), 17 feet 4 inches long, 5 inches in diameter, ends project 2 feet 5 inches on each side beyond longitudinal beams; 4, wall plates (kaupapa), 25 feet 2 inches long, 4 inches wide, and 1 inch thick; 5, lashing of crossbeams to longitudinal beams; 6, lashing of wall plate to crossbeams

Figure 4. House framework: a, view from above; b, side view. 1, temporary posts; 2, longitudinal beams (hapai), 24 feet 3 inches long, 7 inches in diameter, laid parallel 12.5 feet apart; 3, crossbeams (vae), 17 feet 4 inches long, 5 inches in diameter, ends project 2 feet 5 inches on each side beyond longitudinal beams; 4, wall plates (kaupapa), 25 feet 2 inches long, 4 inches wide, and 1 inch thick; 5, lashing of crossbeams to longitudinal beams; 6, lashing of wall plate to crossbeams.

Figure 4. House framework: a, view from above; b, side view. 1, temporary posts; 2, longitudinal beams (hapai), 24 feet 3 inches long, 7 inches in diameter, laid parallel 12.5 feet apart; 3, crossbeams (vae), 17 feet 4 inches long, 5 inches in diameter, ends project 2 feet 5 inches on each side beyond longitudinal beams; 4, wall plates (kaupapa), 25 feet 2 inches long, 4 inches wide, and 1 inch thick; 5, lashing of crossbeams to longitudinal beams; 6, lashing of wall plate to crossbeams.