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Ethnology of Manihiki and Rakahanga

Figure 12. Point of lifting pole (tukutuku) for thatch: a, front view; b, side view. Thinner end of convenient-sized pole, about 14 feet long, is cut at one end for about 2 inches into point with sharp curve proximally to form distinct shoulder (i)

Figure 12. Point of lifting pole (tukutuku) for thatch: a, front view; b, side view. Thinner end of convenient-sized pole, about 14 feet long, is cut at one end for about 2 inches into point with sharp curve proximally to form distinct shoulder (i).

Figure 12. Point of lifting pole (tukutuku) for thatch: a, front view; b, side view. Thinner end of convenient-sized pole, about 14 feet long, is cut at one end for about 2 inches into point with sharp curve proximally to form distinct shoulder (i).