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Samoan Material Culture

Figure 88.—Wall screen, geometrical pattern (mamanu). The larger triangles in Plate XII, A, 2, are worked out in figure 88:

Figure 88.—Wall screen, geometrical pattern (mamanu). The larger triangles in Plate XII, A, 2, are worked out in figure 88:

Figure 88.—Wall screen, geometrical pattern (mamanu). The larger triangles in Plate XII, A, 2, are worked out in figure 88:

a, The twilled-two commencement varies in lifting up the first dextral 1' from under one sinistral (1) instead of two. As a result, the first sinistral (1) when turned in to commence the left edge passes under the projecting sinistral above it. Each acting dextral turned in from the left edge passes under two crossing sinistrals and then over one, as shown by weft (1). b, Commencing with sinistral (4) the line of vertical dextral checks is continued up over four sinistrals (4-7). Between the commencing horizontal twilled twos and the vertical line of checks, the four sinistrals (4-7) have formed a triangular figure of which the right boundary is the sinisral (7). The four sinistrals forming the triangle have crossed respectively one, three, five, and seven dextrals. Of the seven dextrals crossed by the sinistral (7) the top one (3) is left down and the other six (2-4') raised and held up by the left hand. c, The right hand now picks the next six sinistrals (8-13) to the right of the sinistral last used (7). The two series of six wefts are dropped into position alternately, commencing with the left sinistral (8) and the top dextral (2). Thus the sinistral (8) is dropped back into its natural lines and the top dextral (2) dropped over it. The next sinistral (9) is placed in position and the next dextral (1) dropped over it. Observe that the sinistral (9) passes over the dropped dextral (2). This is continued until the last or lowest dextral (4') is dropped over the last or right sinistral (13). Note also that the sinistrals (8 to 13) have successively passed over the six dextrals (5' to 10'). Two additional triangles have been quickly added to the design by the above procedure. The last sinistral (13) now forms the right boundary of a triangle in a similar way to the sinistral (7) with the first triangle. There is this difference: that the sinistral (13) has crossed only six dextrals instead of seven. The further development of the triangular motive is hence simple. The six dextrals (5'-10') crossed by the bounding sinistral (13)' are all raised by the left hand and the right hand picks up the next six sinistrals, which commence with (14). The alternate dropping of the two series is as before. Commencing with the left sinistral (14), the top dextral (5') is dropped over it while the other five dextrals still are held up. The next sinistral (15) will be dropped and then the next dextral (6') and so on until both series are exhausted. This results in two more triangles. The technique is thus continued across the full width of the sheet and the right edge turned in to comply with it. The left edge is further built and the depth of the sheet secured by additional horizontal lines of alternating checks or twills as suits the craftswoman.