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Samoan Material Culture

Figure 144.—Plaited kilt, check plait

Figure 144.—Plaited kilt, check plait.

Figure 144.—Plaited kilt, check plait.

Each pair of strips (1 and 2) formed by a single attachment is diverged, the one on the left into a sinistral and that on the right into a dextral. Plaiting commences on the left and the first sinistral (1) has naturally no course in that direction as it is turned in to define the left edge, but the second element (2) has a clear course as a dextral. To get a working edge, the left edge is built up by turning each projecting sinistral as it reaches the margin in under the sinistral above it to maintain the check. The working edge is worked across in the orthodox manner. As it proceeds, it seems immaterial which element of the pair is used as a dextral or sinistral. The right edge is formed with the usual half turns of the projecting dextrals.