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Samoan Material Culture

Figure 274.—Lashing of net floats:

Figure 274.—Lashing of net floats:

Figure 274.—Lashing of net floats:

a, at the required distance from the left end, a float (1) is laid transversely over the top rope (2). A marginal mesh is drawn in under the float so that its cord rests between the float and the rope to be included in the knot. A loop (3) is formed with the rope and brought over the right end of the float into the middle line. b, The near end (4) of the loop is drawn taut against the float and passed upwards in the middle line to the left (5)of the standing rope (2) and the slack of the loop passed under the standing rope to the right (6). c, The loop (6) from the last figure is again brought over the right end of the float. In doing so it crosses the first turn made and the near part of the rope (2') beneath the float. The near end of the loop (6) is pulled downwards a little to remove excessive slack at the back. d, The loop (6) is carried upwards, close to the first turn and on its right. The left thumb is placed over it near the upper edge (8) to keep the turn in position, and the slack (7) is above the thumb. e, The near end of the rope (2') is pulled to remove the slack (7) in the last figure and the knot is complete. f, The view of the knot from below is shown opened out slightly.