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The Castaways of Disappointment Island

"Daring and Doing" Series. This Series of books will appeal strongly to both boy and girl. It includes stories of heroism on sea and on land, of heroism in the daily avocations of life, of heroism in all fields and in all parts of the world. There are heroes of peace as well as of war, and every British boy and girl must be thrilled with admiration by the "daring and doing" of those concerned, and stimulated by these books to do likewise. Stirring Sea Fights. J. Cuthbert Hadden. 'Mid Snow and I…

"Daring and Doing" Series. This Series of books will appeal strongly to both boy and girl. It includes stories of heroism on sea and on land, of heroism in the daily avocations of life, of heroism in all fields and in all parts of the world. There are heroes of peace as well as of war, and every British boy and girl must be thrilled with admiration by the "daring and doing" of those concerned, and stimulated by these books to do likewise. Stirring Sea Fights. J. Cuthbert Hadden. 'Mid Snow and Ice. C. D. Michael. Heroes of our Empire. G. Barnett-Smith. Brave Deeds for British Boys. C. D. Michael. Heroes on Land and Sea. F. M. Holmes. Great-Heart Lincoln. W. F. Aitken. Women Who Dared. Kent Carr. Famous Boys. C. D. Michael. The books are fully illustrated and attractively bound, and should be on the shelf of every boy's and girl's bookcase. Please send for full list of Titles.