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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 2, Issue 8 (December 1, 1927)

An Inspection Tour in Taranaki. — Front-Measare Beasley (Dist. Engineer) and Mackin (I. P. W., Stratford): Centre-(driver); Back-Mesars Gillespie (I. P. W., Aramoho) and Hopkirk (F. O. W., East Town)

An Inspection Tour in Taranaki.Front-Measare Beasley (Dist. Engineer) and Mackin (I. P. W., Stratford): Centre-(driver); Back-Mesars Gillespie (I. P. W., Aramoho) and Hopkirk (F. O. W., East Town).

An Inspection Tour in Taranaki.
Front-Measare Beasley (Dist. Engineer) and Mackin (I. P. W., Stratford): Centre-(driver); Back-Mesars Gillespie (I. P. W., Aramoho) and Hopkirk (F. O. W., East Town).