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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 4 (August 1, 1928)

“The Hell of Waters! where they howl and hiss — And boil in endless torture.” — —Byron, Childe Harold. — (Government Publicity photo.) — Pohutu Geyser, Rotorua — This is one of the finest Geysers in New Zealand, and plays to a height of 100ft.—sometimes for hours at a time

“The Hell of Waters! where they howl and hiss And boil in endless torture.” —Byron, Childe Harold. (Government Publicity photo.) Pohutu Geyser, Rotorua This is one of the finest Geysers in New Zealand, and plays to a height of 100ft.—sometimes for hours at a time.

“The Hell of Waters! where they howl and hiss
And boil in endless torture.”
—Byron, Childe Harold.
(Government Publicity photo.)
Pohutu Geyser, Rotorua
This is one of the finest Geysers in New Zealand, and plays to a height of 100ft.—sometimes for hours at a time.