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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 9 (January 1, 1929)

Fifty-Five Years Ago. — (Photo, G. Cartwright Hamilton) — The departure from Auckland (on Christmas Eve. 1873) of the first train to run on the Auckland-Waikato Railway The train was hauled by a class “F” locomotive named “Ada”—after Mrs. Henderson wife of the local representative of the contractors, Brogden and Sons. The driver of the train was Mr. T. O'Brien and the fireman Mr. W. Granger

Fifty-Five Years Ago. (Photo, G. Cartwright Hamilton) The departure from Auckland (on Christmas Eve. 1873) of the first train to run on the Auckland-Waikato Railway The train was hauled by a class “F” locomotive named “Ada”—after Mrs. Henderson wife of the local representative of the contractors, Brogden and Sons. The driver of the train was Mr. T. O'Brien and the fireman Mr. W. Granger.

Fifty-Five Years Ago.
(Photo, G. Cartwright Hamilton)
The departure from Auckland (on Christmas Eve. 1873) of the first train to run on the Auckland-Waikato Railway The train was hauled by a class “F” locomotive named “Ada”—after Mrs. Henderson wife of the local representative of the contractors, Brogden and Sons. The driver of the train was Mr. T. O'Brien and the fireman Mr. W. Granger.