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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 4, Issue 11 (June 1, 1930)

Chichester's Home Coming — (Rly. Publicity photo.) — Mr. F. C. Chichester, of Wellington, New Zealand, whose recent solo flight from London to Sydney was acclaimed as one of the most notable achievements in aviation history, was accorded an enthusiastic welcome by the citizens of Wellington on his arrival from Sydney by the Maunganui on 11th February. The illustrations shew: Top (left), the airman superintending the unloading of his 'plane; (right), ladies wearing the colours of the Wellington.…

Chichester's Home Coming (Rly. Publicity photo.) Mr. F. C. Chichester, of Wellington, New Zealand, whose recent solo flight from London to Sydney was acclaimed as one of the most notable achievements in aviation history, was accorded an enthusiastic welcome by the citizens of Wellington on his arrival from Sydney by the Maunganui on 11th February. The illustrations shew: Top (left), the airman superintending the unloading of his 'plane; (right), ladies wearing the colours of the Wellington. Aero Club showering the airman with confetti as he stepped down the gangway of the Maunganui; (centre), group of representative citizens at the reception.—Front row (left to right): Mr. R. A. Wright, M.P., Councillor T. C. A. Hislop, Mr. F. C. Chichester, Mr. G. A. Troup (Mayor of Wellington), the Hon. W. B. Taverner (Minister of Railways), and Councillor W. H. Bennett. Below (right), Mr. Chichester and the Mayor of Wellington proceeding to the Town Hall for the official reception, and (left) the gathering outside the Town Hall, shewing the airman (centre) after the reception.

Chichester's Home Coming
(Rly. Publicity photo.)
Mr. F. C. Chichester, of Wellington, New Zealand, whose recent solo flight from London to Sydney was acclaimed as one of the most notable achievements in aviation history, was accorded an enthusiastic welcome by the citizens of Wellington on his arrival from Sydney by the Maunganui on 11th February. The illustrations shew: Top (left), the airman superintending the unloading of his 'plane; (right), ladies wearing the colours of the Wellington. Aero Club showering the airman with confetti as he stepped down the gangway of the Maunganui; (centre), group of representative citizens at the reception.—Front row (left to right): Mr. R. A. Wright, M.P., Councillor T. C. A. Hislop, Mr. F. C. Chichester, Mr. G. A. Troup (Mayor of Wellington), the Hon. W. B. Taverner (Minister of Railways), and Councillor W. H. Bennett. Below (right), Mr. Chichester and the Mayor of Wellington proceeding to the Town Hall for the official reception, and (left) the gathering outside the Town Hall, shewing the airman (centre) after the reception.