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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 5, Issue 4 (August 1, 1930)

Excursions On The New Zealand Railways. — (Courtesy, Christchurch “Star.”) — Over 4,000 passengers availed themselves of the Department's cheap school excursion fares in Canterbury and Westland Districts (South Island) recently. The illustrations shew one of the popular excursion trains leaving Christchurch

Excursions On The New Zealand Railways. (Courtesy, Christchurch “Star.”) Over 4,000 passengers availed themselves of the Department's cheap school excursion fares in Canterbury and Westland Districts (South Island) recently. The illustrations shew one of the popular excursion trains leaving Christchurch.

Excursions On The New Zealand Railways.
(Courtesy, Christchurch “Star.”)
Over 4,000 passengers availed themselves of the Department's cheap school excursion fares in Canterbury and Westland Districts (South Island) recently. The illustrations shew one of the popular excursion trains leaving Christchurch.