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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 7 (December 1, 1932)

“Book of Beginnings, Story without End, — Each maid a heroine, and each man a friend.”—Longfellow. — Our Children's Gallery.—(1) Tommy and Colin Gall; (2) Teresa and David Garty; (3) Kathleen and Molly Powell (Arthur's Pass, South Island); (4) Avis Cushen; (5) Joyce, Monica, Willie and Noel Hawkins; (6) Betty McCallum; (7) Lorna and Fred Ericson and Brian McKeown; (8) June and Shirley Parris; (9) Ron, Jean and Leslie Harris (Springfield); (10) Malcolm Wylde (Wellington); (11) Helen and Majorie …

“Book of Beginnings, Story without End,Each maid a heroine, and each man a friend.”—Longfellow. Our Children's Gallery.—(1) Tommy and Colin Gall; (2) Teresa and David Garty; (3) Kathleen and Molly Powell (Arthur's Pass, South Island); (4) Avis Cushen; (5) Joyce, Monica, Willie and Noel Hawkins; (6) Betty McCallum; (7) Lorna and Fred Ericson and Brian McKeown; (8) June and Shirley Parris; (9) Ron, Jean and Leslie Harris (Springfield); (10) Malcolm Wylde (Wellington); (11) Helen and Majorie Watson—twins (Waitotara); (12) Daisy, Doris and Wally Murdock (Henderson).

“Book of Beginnings, Story without End,
Each maid a heroine, and each man a friend.”—Longfellow.
Our Children's Gallery.—(1) Tommy and Colin Gall; (2) Teresa and David Garty; (3) Kathleen and Molly Powell (Arthur's Pass, South Island); (4) Avis Cushen; (5) Joyce, Monica, Willie and Noel Hawkins; (6) Betty McCallum; (7) Lorna and Fred Ericson and Brian McKeown; (8) June and Shirley Parris; (9) Ron, Jean and Leslie Harris (Springfield); (10) Malcolm Wylde (Wellington); (11) Helen and Majorie Watson—twins (Waitotara); (12) Daisy, Doris and Wally Murdock (Henderson).