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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 9 (April 1, 1933)

“A little garden square and wall'd.“—Tennyson. — Views of the station gardens at Rakaia (below) and Southbrook (above) which secured first place in the A and B grades, respectively, in the Station Gardens Competition held in Canterbury recently. Commenting on these competitions, the “Christchurch Star” says: “Every attempt to make railway stations attractive deserves encouragement. This is recognised by the Railway Department, which provides the timber for edging the plots and fertiliser. Vario…

“A little garden square and wall'd.“—Tennyson. Views of the station gardens at Rakaia (below) and Southbrook (above) which secured first place in the A and B grades, respectively, in the Station Gardens Competition held in Canterbury recently. Commenting on these competitions, the “Christchurch Star” says: “Every attempt to make railway stations attractive deserves encouragement. This is recognised by the Railway Department, which provides the timber for edging the plots and fertiliser. Various bodies and private individuals donate seeds and plants also, but the main factor is the enthusiasm of the men who do the work in their spare time as a hobby.”

“A little garden square and wall'd.“—Tennyson.
Views of the station gardens at Rakaia (below) and Southbrook (above) which secured first place in the A and B grades, respectively, in the Station Gardens Competition held in Canterbury recently. Commenting on these competitions, the “Christchurch Star” says: “Every attempt to make railway stations attractive deserves encouragement. This is recognised by the Railway Department, which provides the timber for edging the plots and fertiliser. Various bodies and private individuals donate seeds and plants also, but the main factor is the enthusiasm of the men who do the work in their spare time as a hobby.”