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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 8, Issue 5 (September 1, 1933)

“They laugh and cry and eat and drink, — And chuckle and crow and nod and wink……“—J. G. Holland. — Our Children's Gallery—(1) Roy Lewis; (2) Dave and Willie Myers; (3) Valerie Smith; (4) June Christieson; (5) Margaret Stanford; (6) Shirley Smith; (7) Peter and Patricia Comber; (8) Patricia, Rowland, Joan, Pauline, Nancy and Lorraine Curtis; (9) Valma Besley; (10) Charlie Tarrant (all of Hawera); (11) Bernard, Maureen and Francis McPherson (Mokoia); (12) Douglas Peach (Hawera)

“They laugh and cry and eat and drink, And chuckle and crow and nod and wink……“—J. G. Holland. Our Children's Gallery—(1) Roy Lewis; (2) Dave and Willie Myers; (3) Valerie Smith; (4) June Christieson; (5) Margaret Stanford; (6) Shirley Smith; (7) Peter and Patricia Comber; (8) Patricia, Rowland, Joan, Pauline, Nancy and Lorraine Curtis; (9) Valma Besley; (10) Charlie Tarrant (all of Hawera); (11) Bernard, Maureen and Francis McPherson (Mokoia); (12) Douglas Peach (Hawera).

“They laugh and cry and eat and drink,
And chuckle and crow and nod and wink……“—J. G. Holland.
Our Children's Gallery—(1) Roy Lewis; (2) Dave and Willie Myers; (3) Valerie Smith; (4) June Christieson; (5) Margaret Stanford; (6) Shirley Smith; (7) Peter and Patricia Comber; (8) Patricia, Rowland, Joan, Pauline, Nancy and Lorraine Curtis; (9) Valma Besley; (10) Charlie Tarrant (all of Hawera); (11) Bernard, Maureen and Francis McPherson (Mokoia); (12) Douglas Peach (Hawera).