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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 9, Issue 6 (September 1, 1934)

The North Auckland District. Told by the Camera. — Typical kauri log from the bush near Hokianga Harbour — Kauri logs floating over the Wairua Falls, Upper Wairoa River. — (Rly. Publicity photos.) — There are still giants in our own Don't wait till they are as rare as the huia. If you wish to see kauri logging in large sizes take a Northern holiday now, because the industry is passing and (unless public reserves are milled) will presently cease. It may be profane to cut down a tree that was old…

The North Auckland District. Told by the Camera. Typical kauri log from the bush near Hokianga Harbour Kauri logs floating over the Wairua Falls, Upper Wairoa River. (Rly. Publicity photos.) There are still giants in our own Don't wait till they are as rare as the huia. If you wish to see kauri logging in large sizes take a Northern holiday now, because the industry is passing and (unless public reserves are milled) will presently cease. It may be profane to cut down a tree that was old when Columbus was a boy; but a tree containing enough timber to build a village—a tree transportable by floatation—has ever been a temptation to man. While logs at brink of Wairua Falls are victims of commerce, in Waipoua Forest the giant kauri lives on.

The North Auckland District. Told by the Camera.
Typical kauri log from the bush near Hokianga Harbour
Kauri logs floating over the Wairua Falls, Upper Wairoa River.
(Rly. Publicity photos.)
There are still giants in our own Don't wait till they are as rare as the huia. If you wish to see kauri logging in large sizes take a Northern holiday now, because the industry is passing and (unless public reserves are milled) will presently cease. It may be profane to cut down a tree that was old when Columbus was a boy; but a tree containing enough timber to build a village—a tree transportable by floatation—has ever been a temptation to man. While logs at brink of Wairua Falls are victims of commerce, in Waipoua Forest the giant kauri lives on.