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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 9, Issue 11 (February 1, 1935)

Mr. H. H. Sterling, C.M.G., LL.B., M.Inst.T., F.R.E.S. — The inclusion of Mr. H. H. Sterling in the New Year Honours could not have surprised anybody in or out of the Railway Service, and it must have been as pleasing to the Chairman of the Railways Board as it undoubtedly was to the Railway staff throughout the Dominion to find the announcement so cordially and unanimously approved by the Press. Mr Sterling's well-known administrative ability has been particularly valuable to New Zealand durin…

Mr. H. H. Sterling, C.M.G., LL.B., M.Inst.T., F.R.E.S. The inclusion of Mr. H. H. Sterling in the New Year Honours could not have surprised anybody in or out of the Railway Service, and it must have been as pleasing to the Chairman of the Railways Board as it undoubtedly was to the Railway staff throughout the Dominion to find the announcement so cordially and unanimously approved by the Press. Mr Sterling's well-known administrative ability has been particularly valuable to New Zealand during the very important re-organisation of the Railways Department during recent years, and in the planning of the progressive policy which is winning an ever-increasing measure of public support. The honour of C.M.G. will be regarded by the recipient not only as a tribute to, and recognition of, his public service, but also as an indication of the important part which the National system of transportation is called upon to play in the life of the community.

Mr. H. H. Sterling, C.M.G., LL.B., M.Inst.T., F.R.E.S.
The inclusion of Mr. H. H. Sterling in the New Year Honours could not have surprised anybody in or out of the Railway Service, and it must have been as pleasing to the Chairman of the Railways Board as it undoubtedly was to the Railway staff throughout the Dominion to find the announcement so cordially and unanimously approved by the Press. Mr Sterling's well-known administrative ability has been particularly valuable to New Zealand during the very important re-organisation of the Railways Department during recent years, and in the planning of the progressive policy which is winning an ever-increasing measure of public support. The honour of C.M.G. will be regarded by the recipient not only as a tribute to, and recognition of, his public service, but also as an indication of the important part which the National system of transportation is called upon to play in the life of the community.