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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 9, Issue 12 (March 1, 1935)

Railway Staff at Oamaru Station, 53 Years Ago. — Standing (left to right).—Messrs. Hurst (Clerk), D. Wallace (Cadet), H. Pearce (afterwards Stationmaster, Milton), W. Vincent (Goods Foreman), —. Todd (Clerk). — Sitting (left to right).—A. Heskett (Cadet, afterwards Stationmaster, Kurow), A. Weir (Shipping Foreman). T. W. Brebner (Chief Clerk, afterwards Traffic Manager, Invercargill), S. J. Loring (Stationmaster, afterwards District Traffic Manager, Greymouth), G. Brownlee (Cadet, afterwards Di…

Railway Staff at Oamaru Station, 53 Years Ago. Standing (left to right).—Messrs. Hurst (Clerk), D. Wallace (Cadet), H. Pearce (afterwards Stationmaster, Milton), W. Vincent (Goods Foreman), —. Todd (Clerk). Sitting (left to right).—A. Heskett (Cadet, afterwards Stationmaster, Kurow), A. Weir (Shipping Foreman). T. W. Brebner (Chief Clerk, afterwards Traffic Manager, Invercargill), S. J. Loring (Stationmaster, afterwards District Traffic Manager, Greymouth), G. Brownlee (Cadet, afterwards District Traffic Manager, Wanganui), —. Farquhar (Cadet). Mr. G. Brownlee, who was District Traffic Manager at Wanganui at the time of his retirement in 1919, has kindly supplied the above photograph. Mr. Brownlee is well known to railwaymen and also as a public man in Auckland, where, subsequent to his retirement, he became interested in educational matters and is now a member of the Auckland Education Board, a position he has occupied for the last 12 years. He was also a member of the Auckland City Council for four years, and of the Auckland Grammar School Board and other school controlling authorities. It is interesting to recall that Mr. Brownlee was an original member of the Government Railways Superannuation Board, a position he occupied for five years.

Railway Staff at Oamaru Station, 53 Years Ago.
Standing (left to right).—Messrs. Hurst (Clerk), D. Wallace (Cadet), H. Pearce (afterwards Stationmaster, Milton), W. Vincent (Goods Foreman), —. Todd (Clerk).
Sitting (left to right).—A. Heskett (Cadet, afterwards Stationmaster, Kurow), A. Weir (Shipping Foreman). T. W. Brebner (Chief Clerk, afterwards Traffic Manager, Invercargill), S. J. Loring (Stationmaster, afterwards District Traffic Manager, Greymouth), G. Brownlee (Cadet, afterwards District Traffic Manager, Wanganui), —. Farquhar (Cadet).
Mr. G. Brownlee, who was District Traffic Manager at Wanganui at the time of his retirement in 1919, has kindly supplied the above photograph. Mr. Brownlee is well known to railwaymen and also as a public man in Auckland, where, subsequent to his retirement, he became interested in educational matters and is now a member of the Auckland Education Board, a position he has occupied for the last 12 years. He was also a member of the Auckland City Council for four years, and of the Auckland Grammar School Board and other school controlling authorities. It is interesting to recall that Mr. Brownlee was an original member of the Government Railways Superannuation Board, a position he occupied for five years.