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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 10, Issue 1 (April 1, 1935)

Tauranga's Place In The Sun: Told By The Camera. — The waterfront at Tauranga, North Island, New Zealand, showing Mt. Maunganui in the background. — (Rly. Publicity photos.) — The Strand, Tauranga's business area. — Mount Maunganui (1,000ft.) guards the entrance to Tauranga Harbour much as Rangitoto guards the entrance to Waltemata, and looks down on ample depth of water. The harbour extends for many miles at varying depths, and the service by railway and road is such that Tauranga is marked ou…

Tauranga's Place In The Sun: Told By The Camera. The waterfront at Tauranga, North Island, New Zealand, showing Mt. Maunganui in the background. (Rly. Publicity photos.) The Strand, Tauranga's business area. Mount Maunganui (1,000ft.) guards the entrance to Tauranga Harbour much as Rangitoto guards the entrance to Waltemata, and looks down on ample depth of water. The harbour extends for many miles at varying depths, and the service by railway and road is such that Tauranga is marked out for eminence. It is the stepping stone to or from the Bay of Plenty and the pumice hinterland. Its proximity to the Rotorua and Taupo wonderland, and its own peculiar virtues of climate, kindly to man and plant life, make Tauranga a key point on the holiday map. Historic, sunny, sheltered, fruitful—a fisherman's paradise.

Tauranga's Place In The Sun: Told By The Camera.
The waterfront at Tauranga, North Island, New Zealand, showing Mt. Maunganui in the background.
(Rly. Publicity photos.)
The Strand, Tauranga's business area.
Mount Maunganui (1,000ft.) guards the entrance to Tauranga Harbour much as Rangitoto guards the entrance to Waltemata, and looks down on ample depth of water. The harbour extends for many miles at varying depths, and the service by railway and road is such that Tauranga is marked out for eminence. It is the stepping stone to or from the Bay of Plenty and the pumice hinterland. Its proximity to the Rotorua and Taupo wonderland, and its own peculiar virtues of climate, kindly to man and plant life, make Tauranga a key point on the holiday map. Historic, sunny, sheltered, fruitful—a fisherman's paradise.