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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 11, Issue 2 (May 1, 1936)

New Zealand'S First Parliamentary Broadcast. — (Rly Publicity photo.) — The author at the microphone, on the floor of the House of Representatives, describing the scene in the Chamber when members were taking the oath of allegiance to H. M. the King. On the right is the relay operator, controlling the sound output picked up by four microphones suspended above the heads of legislators

New Zealand'S First Parliamentary Broadcast. (Rly Publicity photo.) The author at the microphone, on the floor of the House of Representatives, describing the scene in the Chamber when members were taking the oath of allegiance to H. M. the King. On the right is the relay operator, controlling the sound output picked up by four microphones suspended above the heads of legislators.

New Zealand'S First Parliamentary Broadcast.
(Rly Publicity photo.)
The author at the microphone, on the floor of the House of Representatives, describing the scene in the Chamber when members were taking the oath of allegiance to H. M. the King. On the right is the relay operator, controlling the sound output picked up by four microphones suspended above the heads of legislators.