Title: Henry Lawson Among Maoris

Author: William H. Pearson

Publication details: Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd, 1968, Wellington

Digital publication kindly authorised by: Paul Millar

Part of: New Zealand Texts Collection

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Henry Lawson Among Maoris

The house the Lawsons lived in (photograph by Barry Yelverton, date unknown but probably between 1920 and 1940)

The house the Lawsons lived in (photograph by Barry Yelverton, date unknown but probably between 1920 and 1940)

The house the Lawsons lived in (photograph by Barry Yelverton, date unknown but probably between 1920 and 1940)

This photograph as reproduced in 1968 (and here) is a mirror image. Right should be left, and left right. In the right background of the photograph as reproduced here can be seen the chimney of the school destroyed by fire in 1922.