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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol 1, No. 12 June 22, 1938

HITLER GOES SOUTH I KNEW HITLER. Sensational and intimate revelations by friend, Rurt G. W. Ludecke. The amazing inside story of the Nazi Party by one who ABC the Blood parge Price 13/6. THE LAST FIVE HOURS OF AUSTRIA. A vivid and authentic account of Austira's death struggle by an eye witness, ABCeditor of the ABC "Telegraph," Price 10/6. WATCH CZECHOSLOVAKIA. ABC the storm ABC and strategic point at which Russia, Germany and Italy ABCwritten by ABC Freund, an authority on Central Europe and t…

HITLER GOES SOUTH I KNEW HITLER. Sensational and intimate revelations by friend, Rurt G. W. Ludecke. The amazing inside story of the Nazi Party by one who ABC the Blood parge Price 13/6. THE LAST FIVE HOURS OF AUSTRIA. A vivid and authentic account of Austira's death struggle by an eye witness, ABCeditor of the ABC "Telegraph," Price 10/6. WATCH CZECHOSLOVAKIA. ABC the storm ABC and strategic point at which Russia, Germany and Italy ABCwritten by ABC Freund, an authority on Central Europe and the ABC Basin. Price 4ABC WHITCOMBE & TOMBS LIMITED — Telephone 41-080 — WELLINGTON