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Salient. An organ of student opinion at Victoria College Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 2, No. 7 May 3, 1939

Capping Ball-1939 * DATE Friday, May 5th. * TIME 9.30 p.m.-2 a.m. * (or later) * PLACE "Mayfair" Cabaret * MUSIC Henry Rudolph's Ore. * SUPPER Super * PRICE 12/6 Student's Double 7/6 " Single These are the essentials for a good time at the Capping Ball-1939

Capping Ball-1939 * DATE Friday, May 5th. * TIME 9.30 p.m.-2 a.m. * (or later) * PLACE "Mayfair" Cabaret * MUSIC Henry Rudolph's Ore. * SUPPER Super * PRICE 12/6 Student's Double 7/6 " Single These are the essentials for a good time at the Capping Ball-1939