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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 8, No. 4 April 18, 1945

Improvements in our dally life follow one another so swiftly that we accept them as a matter of course; but these things don't Just happen. In each of them we shall. If we trouble to ask, find the hand of the British Research Chemist and the Chemical Industry. The record of history shews that British Chemicals have always been in the forefront of invention and discovery. It is not the least of the Empire's claim for the regard of other Nations that, stretched on the rack of war though she is, h…

Improvements in our dally life follow one another so swiftly that we accept them as a matter of course; but these things don't Just happen. In each of them we shall. If we trouble to ask, find the hand of the British Research Chemist and the Chemical Industry. The record of history shews that British Chemicals have always been in the forefront of invention and discovery. It is not the least of the Empire's claim for the regard of other Nations that, stretched on the rack of war though she is, her sons and daughters, fleets and armies scattered all over the globe, her Chemists have stood to their task. Today as in peacetime the British Chemical Industry is working with undiminished resource and energy to see to it that the benefits of Science are increasingly applied to our daily life. Imperial Chemical Industries (N.Z.) Ltd. KELVIN CHAMBERS • WELLINGTON