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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 10, No. 7. June 11, 1947

EVERYTHING FROM THE HAT DOWN, FOR THE MAN ABOUT TOWN HATS by Crean, Masterfelt, Batteraby, New Canadian, Weatminater and Meadowbrook. Sizes 6½ to 7½. Prices from 17/6 to 50/- 650 SPORTS COATS in English and Colonial Tweeds. 3-button style, satin lined and beautifully cut. Great variety of shades. Prices from £4/19/6 700 GABERDINE RAINCOATS. Raglan style and English made Tweed Overcoats. VANCE VIVIAN CUBA street, WELLINGTON HIGH STREET-HUTT CITY

EVERYTHING FROM THE HAT DOWN, FOR THE MAN ABOUT TOWN HATS by Crean, Masterfelt, Batteraby, New Canadian, Weatminater and Meadowbrook. Sizes 6½ to 7½. Prices from 17/6 to 50/- 650 SPORTS COATS in English and Colonial Tweeds. 3-button style, satin lined and beautifully cut. Great variety of shades. Prices from £4/19/6 700 GABERDINE RAINCOATS. Raglan style and English made Tweed Overcoats. VANCE VIVIAN CUBA street, WELLINGTON HIGH STREET-HUTT CITY