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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 19, No. 10. September 10, 1955

APPLICATIONS. ARE INVITED FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: Editor of "Salient" 1956 Business Managor of "Salient" 1956 Business Manager of "Cappicade" 1956 Advertising Manager of "Cappicade" 1956 Producor of "Extrav" 1956 ALL applications should be in writing addressed to the Secretary, Student's Association, and should include qualifications which the applicant holds APPLICATIONS CLOSE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1955 The Executive reserves the right to make an appointment outside of the applicants

APPLICATIONS. ARE INVITED FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: Editor of "Salient" 1956 Business Managor of "Salient" 1956 Business Manager of "Cappicade" 1956 Advertising Manager of "Cappicade" 1956 Producor of "Extrav" 1956 ALL applications should be in writing addressed to the Secretary, Student's Association, and should include qualifications which the applicant holds APPLICATIONS CLOSE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1955 The Executive reserves the right to make an appointment outside of the applicants.