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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria University College, Wellington N.Z. Vol. 21, No. 3. April 1, 1958

Your text-books aren't all expensive Quite a number can be obtained in Penguins, World Classics, or other low-priced editions. We try to carry the full range of these that are available. Some have sold out temporarily, but whether or not the particular titles you require are here you'll find something to interest you while browsing through our stock. PHOENIX BOOK SHOP 53 Willis Street Phone 40-239

Your text-books aren't all expensive Quite a number can be obtained in Penguins, World Classics, or other low-priced editions. We try to carry the full range of these that are available. Some have sold out temporarily, but whether or not the particular titles you require are here you'll find something to interest you while browsing through our stock. PHOENIX BOOK SHOP 53 Willis Street Phone 40-239