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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 25, No. 3. 1962.

the chicks — they flip for this kind of jazz, dad. If it's the chicks that count, they really flip for the cool line of the suave dad in these new suit styles. They're so far out they're way in. Now that we've run the gamut of our beat-type talk, here's the real low-down in language most will understand. You see, we've just landed a new suit line with more distinctive detailing in suit styling than we've seen in years—and it's designed with the undergrad in mind. It's called the "Delta" and is …

the chicks — they flip for this kind of jazz, dad. If it's the chicks that count, they really flip for the cool line of the suave dad in these new suit styles. They're so far out they're way in. Now that we've run the gamut of our beat-type talk, here's the real low-down in language most will understand. You see, we've just landed a new suit line with more distinctive detailing in suit styling than we've seen in years—and it's designed with the undergrad in mind. It's called the "Delta" and is definitely a young man's suit. Come in to any V.V. Store and try one on! And if the cry is economy—you'll find Vance Vivian's Continuous Budget account suits the monthly remittance man perfectly. You can pay a reasonable deposit on any clothing items and have months to pay the balance for as little as 1/in the £ per week. VANCE VIVIAN