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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 27, No. 12. 1964.

Get up-to-date on how-to-pay... ask the man at the BNZ You need to pay the modern way. Pay by cheque. A BNZ Cheque Account helps you keep track of your spending and saving—gives you a complete, permanent record of your finances. Ask the man at the BNZ—he's there to be helpful. The BNZ agency at Victoria University is open daily from a.m. to 12.15 p.m. You're welcome—at the SA2, 4B Bank of New Zealand

Get up-to-date on how-to-pay... ask the man at the BNZ You need to pay the modern way. Pay by cheque. A BNZ Cheque Account helps you keep track of your spending and saving—gives you a complete, permanent record of your finances. Ask the man at the BNZ—he's there to be helpful. The BNZ agency at Victoria University is open daily from a.m. to 12.15 p.m. You're welcome—at the SA2, 4B Bank of New Zealand