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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 29, No. 3. 1966.

Players Leap for the ball in the rugby match between Doshiba University of Japan and a Victoria team last week. Victoria won by 24 points to 8 in a bright match which attracted several thousand spectators. The team's New Zealand tour is being organised by the University of Canterbury

Players Leap for the ball in the rugby match between Doshiba University of Japan and a Victoria team last week. Victoria won by 24 points to 8 in a bright match which attracted several thousand spectators. The team's New Zealand tour is being organised by the University of Canterbury.

Players Leap for the ball in the rugby match between Doshiba University of Japan and a Victoria team last week. Victoria won by 24 points to 8 in a bright match which attracted several thousand spectators. The team's New Zealand tour is being organised by the University of Canterbury.