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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 30, No. 6. 1967.

The Fine Arts Quartet with Leonard Sorkin, violin, Abram Loft, violin, Gerald Stanick, viola, and George Sopkin, cello. The Quartet will give a concert in the Concert Chamber on the afternoon of Sunday, June 11. For music lovers it promises to be a concert of great interest as the Quartet is ranked as a master of the Chamber Music medium

The Fine Arts Quartet with Leonard Sorkin, violin, Abram Loft, violin, Gerald Stanick, viola, and George Sopkin, cello. The Quartet will give a concert in the Concert Chamber on the afternoon of Sunday, June 11. For music lovers it promises to be a concert of great interest as the Quartet is ranked as a master of the Chamber Music medium.

The Fine Arts Quartet with Leonard Sorkin, violin, Abram Loft, violin, Gerald Stanick, viola, and George Sopkin, cello. The Quartet will give a concert in the Concert Chamber on the afternoon of Sunday, June 11. For music lovers it promises to be a concert of great interest as the Quartet is ranked as a master of the Chamber Music medium.