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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 33 No. 8. 10 June 1970

Cartoon about the protest

Cartoon about the protest

Dumbkopfontein, (South Africa), Tuesday—The All Blacks suffered the first defeat of their tour of South Africa, Rhodesia and South West Africa today, reports William Joyce. The New Zealanders were defeated 72-0 by the Prime Minister's Fifteen—a team chosen from among Mr Vorster's elite corps of concentration camp guards. The guards, superbly fit and tanned from service in the Transkei, were infinitely superior to the All Blacks in every department of the game. Those of the rugby tourists who were able attended an after-match function where the All Black captain for the day, Sid Going (affectionately dubbed 'Unca Tom' by South African rugby supporters) said that there was no doubt that the Boers were superior on the day. The teams were later entertained by the world famous Black and Coloured Minstrels. The New Zealanders enthusiastically joined in the singing of such old favourites as 'Swanee Ribber'. (AAP—Reuter).