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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 33 No. 12. 5 August 1970

VICTUALLERS REGINALD COLLINS LTD Wholesale wine and spirit people. Vintners to the Students' Association. Carry stocks of all brands of ale, spirits, table wine (from 55c). sherry in flaqons ($1.60) or quart bottles. Free Delivery—Collars located at No. 3 BALANCE STREET (Cust wee Qway and)

VICTUALLERS REGINALD COLLINS LTD Wholesale wine and spirit people. Vintners to the Students' Association. Carry stocks of all brands of ale, spirits, table wine (from 55c). sherry in flaqons ($1.60) or quart bottles. Free Delivery—Collars located at No. 3 BALANCE STREET (Cust wee Qway and)