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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 33 No. 14. 1970

CAREER OPPORTUNITIES AS A CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT We have positions for graduates or near graduates seeking an accountancy career. We offer extensive training and experience in a broad range of activities. Through our use of up to date and sophisticated techniques you will be prepared for a career in any aspect of chartered accountancy, in both public practice and commercial spheres. Starting salaries are comparable with those paid elsewhere in public practice and are reviewed half yearly with inc…

CAREER OPPORTUNITIES AS A CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT We have positions for graduates or near graduates seeking an accountancy career. We offer extensive training and experience in a broad range of activities. Through our use of up to date and sophisticated techniques you will be prepared for a career in any aspect of chartered accountancy, in both public practice and commercial spheres. Starting salaries are comparable with those paid elsewhere in public practice and are reviewed half yearly with increases based on merit. Overseas experience is available through our association with Firms in many countries including USA, UK and Australia. We will be pleased to discuss your career with you and invite you to telephone or write to our Staff Partner:- Mr P.M. McCaw WATKINS, HULL, WHEELER & JOHNSTON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS P.O Box 1990 WELLINGTON Phone 71-549