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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume. 34, Number 8. 1971

HOLIDAY INTERVIEWERS A national organisation requires the services of two personable female students to conduct a survey from a prepared questionnaire in the Manawatu, Waikato and Hawke's Bay urban areas during the May holiday period. Generous remuneration will be provided. Please reply in writing to — "'Interviewer", C/— Woodward Advertising Std. G.P.O. Box 2255, WELLINGTON

HOLIDAY INTERVIEWERS A national organisation requires the services of two personable female students to conduct a survey from a prepared questionnaire in the Manawatu, Waikato and Hawke's Bay urban areas during the May holiday period. Generous remuneration will be provided. Please reply in writing to — "'Interviewer", C/— Woodward Advertising Std. G.P.O. Box 2255, WELLINGTON.