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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume. 34, Number 8. 1971

DAYSN, RENOUF and Co. Members of the wellington Stock Exchange National 170-186 ferater Street P.O Box 36-48.Wellengton Cables and engr stach Tel 49-000 teleN.Z. 3475 PRINCIPALS Frank M.Renouf,M.Com. Dip.Ec Pl (Ozon)F.C.A. M.E. Duff Daysh, C.B.E., J.P. M.J Redford, B.Com. F.C.A. P.W.C. Pearson, A.C.A. R.C.Pearson.A.C.A. B.P.Avery, B.Com,A.C.A. B.O Buxton, B.A., B.Com. A.C.A, A.C.IS. D.S. St.Jones, B.Com. A.C.A. K.J O'Conner, B.C.A.(Hons.), A.C.A. C.M.A.N.Z

DAYSN, RENOUF and Co. Members of the wellington Stock Exchange National 170-186 ferater Street P.O Box 36-48.Wellengton Cables and engr stach Tel 49-000 teleN.Z. 3475 PRINCIPALS Frank M.Renouf,M.Com. Dip.Ec Pl (Ozon)F.C.A. M.E. Duff Daysh, C.B.E., J.P. M.J Redford, B.Com. F.C.A. P.W.C. Pearson, A.C.A. R.C.Pearson.A.C.A. B.P.Avery, B.Com,A.C.A. B.O Buxton, B.A., B.Com. A.C.A, A.C.IS. D.S. St.Jones, B.Com. A.C.A. K.J O'Conner, B.C.A.(Hons.), A.C.A. C.M.A.N.Z.