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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 35 no. 1. 28 February 1972

We had no trouble arranging an hour with Tom Pax ton during his recent visit to Wellington. Jo Lustig, manager of Mary Hopkin, Julie Felix, Pentangle and others, was there too, and he offered an occasional comment. Gordon Campbell spoke to them at the White Heron

We had no trouble arranging an hour with Tom Pax ton during his recent visit to Wellington. Jo Lustig, manager of Mary Hopkin, Julie Felix, Pentangle and others, was there too, and he offered an occasional comment. Gordon Campbell spoke to them at the White Heron.

We had no trouble arranging an hour with Tom Pax ton during his recent visit to Wellington. Jo Lustig, manager of Mary Hopkin, Julie Felix, Pentangle and others, was there too, and he offered an occasional comment. Gordon Campbell spoke to them at the White Heron.