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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 35 no. 18. 27th July 1972

The Dance Sphere is this year's production for ARTS FESTIVAL by the Vic. Dance Theatre. Continuity is provided by an electronic tape composed by Ross Harris of the Music Dept. Some of the pieces have been inspired in class workshops, particularly the group techniques and a work where movement is motivated by human sounds. Other dances include JAMAICAN BAPTISM, A CALLISTERICS, a mime and an Isaac Hayes special. The aim has to make a total effect unifying the movement experiences to form a whole …

The Dance Sphere is this year's production for ARTS FESTIVAL by the Vic. Dance Theatre. Continuity is provided by an electronic tape composed by Ross Harris of the Music Dept. Some of the pieces have been inspired in class workshops, particularly the group techniques and a work where movement is motivated by human sounds. Other dances include JAMAICAN BAPTISM, A CALLISTERICS, a mime and an Isaac Hayes special. The aim has to make a total effect unifying the movement experiences to form a whole — The Dance Sphere. Another long-established Wellington group is the Modern Dance Group. They will present four new works choreographed by Barbara Robinson. Two of the pieces are performed to Stockhausen, the other two are experimental. One combines readings of Japanese Haiku poems with movement and the other combines live voice and piano with movement. NAM & DANCE THEATRE: MEMORIAL THEATRE, JULY 31st, AUGUST 2nd & 4th. MATINEES OF NAM ONLY: AUGUST 2nd, 3rd, & 4th at noon. Happy Ending is the first performance of a new play by a young writer, Jeff Kennedy. It is directed by a visiting American, Richard Rothrock. Happy Ending was first written as a project in Drama II last year. Revisions and change have been a part of rehearsal procedure, with most of the members of the cast being involved with Kennedy in the writing. Also, the rehearsal process has used a great deal of improvisation by the cast. Many different approaches to the playing of scenes were attempted. Various acting styles and technique were employed in order to develop fully the presentation which uses considerable sound, light, and visual imagery in conjunction with the actors. Happy Ending is a bold, lively satire. It holds a comic mirror up to society and most particularly, itself. It's a satire on a satire; a crazy comic-strip world of kids, games and sex, sometimes surrealistically serious but always lively. More than anything else, it's an energetic, youthful romp. HAPPY ENDING: MEMORIAL THEATRE" AUGUST 1ST, 3RD, & 5TH.