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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 35 no. 19. 3rd August 1972

The Diplomatic Service A Career Opportunity The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a continuing need for University graduates interested in diplomacy as a career. THE WORK: The Ministry is concerned with the promotion and protection of New Zealand's overseas interests. It advises the Government of the implications for New Zealand of developments overseas and proposes courses of action to advance New Zealand's interests. Abroad, it provides career staff, from Heads of Mission down to Third Secretar…

The Diplomatic Service A Career Opportunity The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a continuing need for University graduates interested in diplomacy as a career. THE WORK: The Ministry is concerned with the promotion and protection of New Zealand's overseas interests. It advises the Government of the implications for New Zealand of developments overseas and proposes courses of action to advance New Zealand's interests. Abroad, it provides career staff, from Heads of Mission down to Third Secretaries to carry out the Government's foreign policy. Diplomatic officers overseas represent the Government, negotiate on its behalf, and report to it significant political and economic developments. They attend international conferences. They supervise New Zealand aid programmes and protect New Zealand nationals and their property. The work is challenging: it requires both the capacity for quick and accurate research and analysis, and the ability to apply judgment and bring forward creative ideas and practical proposals that can form the basis for policy decisions. On appointment, an officer may expect to serve for about three years in Wellington for purposes of training, during which time he will be given experience in several of the Ministry's Divisions (e.g., United Nations Asian, Economic, Defence, External Aid). He will be asked at an early stage to draft reports and proposals for policy decisions, to help prepare briefs for delegations to international conferences, and to deal with other Government Departments and outside organisations concerned with aspects of New Zealand's overseas interests. For further information, please write to: At the end of his training period, an officer is eligible for posting to one of New Zealand's 30 Diplomatic or Consular Missions abroad. QUALIFICATIONS: A good academic background is recognised both in the New Zealand Diplomatic Service and in the foreign services of other countries as establishing a useful yardstick against which to assess a prospective officer's potential. While an Honours Degree is therefore normally required as an indication of academic ability, no particular degree course is stipulated. Though most officers are graduates in Arts or Law, the Ministry also recruits officers whose main training has been in Commerce or Science. Knowledge of a foreign language is not a prerequisite for appointment, but officers will be expected early in their career to become competent in at least one foreign language. Selection is not based solely on academic achievement: personal qualities— integrity, sound judgment, commonsense, ability to work with others, and willingness to work hard under pressure are also important. Women are elegible for appointment and have held senior positions at home and abroad. SALARY: Starting salaries at present range up to $4249 depending on the standard of the degree obtained. If you think you may be interested in a Diplomatic career you are invited to get in touch with the Ministry. Enquiries are invited from students who are at the earlier stages of their studies, as well as from those who may be interested in applying for a Diplomatic Traineeship at the end of this year. SECRETARY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Parliament Buildings, Wellington, or Telephone 59.819 and ask for the CAREERS OFFICER