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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 36, Number 1. 28th February 1973

THE RADICAL'S DIARY 1. Monday. Hear Owen Wikes at lunch time on protest at U.S. base at Harewood-Weedons. 2. Tuesday. Send subscription to HART NEWS ($1.50 FOR 10 ISSUES) to Box 2359. Wellington. 3. Wednesday. Send gift subscription of 25 issues of SALIENT to uncle in Eketahuna, for only $2.50 4. Thursday. Disrput Labour Party caucus. 5. Friday. Sell HART NEWS and buy PEOPLES vOICE, both at Cuba Mall. 6. Saturday. Relax in Kelburn Park store & in park, watching cricket & eating Terry's delicaci…

THE RADICAL'S DIARY 1. Monday. Hear Owen Wikes at lunch time on protest at U.S. base at Harewood-Weedons. 2. Tuesday. Send subscription to HART NEWS ($1.50 FOR 10 ISSUES) to Box 2359. Wellington. 3. Wednesday. Send gift subscription of 25 issues of SALIENT to uncle in Eketahuna, for only $2.50 4. Thursday. Disrput Labour Party caucus. 5. Friday. Sell HART NEWS and buy PEOPLES vOICE, both at Cuba Mall. 6. Saturday. Relax in Kelburn Park store & in park, watching cricket & eating Terry's delicacies. 7. Sunday. Go to church or attend top secret meeting of Wellington subverters. Phone Jack (758-323), Ben (896-615), Jack (793-596) or Ham (757-224).