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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 36, Number 6. 4th April 1973

THE MANGLE Drive-in Coin Operated Laundrette. Dentice Dry Cleaning Depot. 295-299 Willis Street, Wellington. Opposite Dental School) Hours'- 7 a.m. to 10. 30 p.m., 8 days week. Special Student concession - A booklet of 5 tickets worth 50c each for $2.00. 20% discount. Tickets from Manageress. T.V., Music, cards, chess, etc. Vending machines for Cigarettes, Pantyhose and chocolate. 15lbs of washing, do-it-yourself basis, 75c includes soap powder, 25 minute wash and 10 minutes tumbled dry by natu…

THE MANGLE Drive-in Coin Operated Laundrette. Dentice Dry Cleaning Depot. 295-299 Willis Street, Wellington. Opposite Dental School) Hours'- 7 a.m. to 10. 30 p.m., 8 days week. Special Student concession - A booklet of 5 tickets worth 50c each for $2.00. 20% discount. Tickets from Manageress. T.V., Music, cards, chess, etc. Vending machines for Cigarettes, Pantyhose and chocolate. 15lbs of washing, do-it-yourself basis, 75c includes soap powder, 25 minute wash and 10 minutes tumbled dry by natural gas. (Or let us do it for $1.00). (BE A MANGLER)