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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 36 No. 12. 6 June 1973

Conditions have improved in New Zealand freezing works since this photo was taken in 1900, but foreign domination of ownership hasn't chanced at all. The meat processing industry in this country is still in the grip of overseas companies: Borthwicks. Vesteys. C.W.S. and Swifts

Conditions have improved in New Zealand freezing works since this photo was taken in 1900, but foreign domination of ownership hasn't chanced at all. The meat processing industry in this country is still in the grip of overseas companies: Borthwicks. Vesteys. C.W.S. and Swifts.

Conditions have improved in New Zealand freezing works since this photo was taken in 1900, but foreign domination of ownership hasn't chanced at all. The meat processing industry in this country is still in the grip of overseas companies: Borthwicks. Vesteys. C.W.S. and Swifts.