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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 36, Number 16. 12th July 1973

Teach-In Open to the Public Why should abortion laws be changed? Who in the community is working for change and how do they see these changes taking place? What are the aims and objectives of the organisations which consider the abortion laws unjust? These questions and many others will be discussed on Saturday July 14 at the teach-in session of the National Women's Abortion Action Conference. SPEAKERS (Full list yet to be finalised) Dr Margaret Sparrow Student Health Service, Victoria Universi…

Teach-In Open to the Public Why should abortion laws be changed? Who in the community is working for change and how do they see these changes taking place? What are the aims and objectives of the organisations which consider the abortion laws unjust? These questions and many others will be discussed on Saturday July 14 at the teach-in session of the National Women's Abortion Action Conference. SPEAKERS (Full list yet to be finalised) Dr Margaret Sparrow Student Health Service, Victoria University Isabel Stanton President, Abortion Law Reform Association (ALRANZ) Anne Davidson President, Wellington Branch, Abortion Law Reform Association Nita Keig Women's Abortion Action Campaign (Sydney) Kay Goodger Convener, National Women's Abortion Action Conference. Panel Discussion: Political Parties Women who oppose the abortion laws will give their views: Jonette Elder Pol-LINK (National Party group) Vicki Buck Labour Party Youth Advisory Council Helen Smith Values Party candidate for Porirua in 1972 Spokes people for the Government and the Opposition have been asked to address the meeting. The Saturday Teach-in will begin at 10.30am (Registration begins 9.00am) and will be held in the Union Hall, top floor, Student Union Building. Lunch will be available in the Cafeteria on the ground floor.