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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 36, Number 21. 5th September 1973

ALAN SOLVED OUR PROBLEM "ALAN", WE SAID, "MAKE INVESTMENT IN BUILDING SECTIONS PAY" We gave him an office a desk and a telephone ALAN MADE INVESTMENTS IN BUILDING SECTIONS PAY We were pretty sure he would, otherwise we wouldn't have asked him to. When he wanted it Alan had the advice of Lawyers, Accountants, Investment Analyists, Valuers, Systems Specialists, Economists, highly skilled Actuaries, and other specialists employed by NATIONAL MUTUAL. But only when he asked. Alan knew he had a progr…

ALAN SOLVED OUR PROBLEM "ALAN", WE SAID, "MAKE INVESTMENT IN BUILDING SECTIONS PAY" We gave him an office a desk and a telephone ALAN MADE INVESTMENTS IN BUILDING SECTIONS PAY We were pretty sure he would, otherwise we wouldn't have asked him to. When he wanted it Alan had the advice of Lawyers, Accountants, Investment Analyists, Valuers, Systems Specialists, Economists, highly skilled Actuaries, and other specialists employed by NATIONAL MUTUAL. But only when he asked. Alan knew he had a progressive company behind him. But he also knew that he would have to ask people for their assistance. Because NATIONAL MUTUAL have a policy of encouraging their employees to use their own initiative and ideas to solve problems, while at the same time making available all the advice and assistance they want. NATIONAL MUTUAL BELIEVE THAT THEIR PERSONNEL POLICIES ARE THE MAIN FACTOR IN MAINTAINING A FANTASTIC GROWTH RATE if after completing some studies you feel you may like to respond to the challenge of working in a progressive company which will have room for you to grow along with the company then call on the Personnel Officer at 153-161 Featherston St, WELLINGTON, or Telephone 71-668. or write:- The Personnel Officer NATIONAL MUTUAL GROUP OF COMPANIES P.O.Box 1692 WELLINGTON.