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Salient. Victoria University Students Newspaper. Volume 37, No 26. October 2, 1974

Need a loan? Or perhaps a little advice? We are helping hundreds of students complete their studies with a simple, flexible loan scheme which provides assistance when they need it most How about a cheque account that looks after your money, makes payments easier, and keeps a record of your expenditure — all for less than 15 cents a week on average? We specialise in banking for undergraduates (let's call it an investment in a lifelong customer). So when you need a bank, why not choose one which …

Need a loan? Or perhaps a little advice? We are helping hundreds of students complete their studies with a simple, flexible loan scheme which provides assistance when they need it most How about a cheque account that looks after your money, makes payments easier, and keeps a record of your expenditure — all for less than 15 cents a week on average? We specialise in banking for undergraduates (let's call it an investment in a lifelong customer). So when you need a bank, why not choose one which wants your business. And shows it VICTORIA As a first step phone Mr T. M. Corrigan at 49-410 or call in at any of our- branches. TheNational Bank OF NEW ZEALAND LIMITED —YOUR FRIENDLY BANK 5129