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Salient. Victoria University Students Newspaper. Vol. 38, No. 2. March 11, 1975

Special offer to help students beat inflation for 1975 A High Quality Scientific Electronic Slide Rule Calculator—complete with A.C. adaptor and rechargeable nickel cadmium batteries The Santron 8SR Engineered for precision performance only $59 ACTUAL SIZE THIS PRICE APPLIES ONLY TILL 21st MARCH 1975 (The equivalent model on the market with rechargeable batteries is retailing at $182) HOW COSTS HAVE BEEN CUT TO ENABLE YOU TO BUY AT THIS PRICE 1. This is a special bulk purchase together with ano…

Special offer to help students beat inflation for 1975 A High Quality Scientific Electronic Slide Rule Calculator—complete with A.C. adaptor and rechargeable nickel cadmium batteries The Santron 8SR Engineered for precision performance only $59 ACTUAL SIZE THIS PRICE APPLIES ONLY TILL 21st MARCH 1975 (The equivalent model on the market with rechargeable batteries is retailing at $182) HOW COSTS HAVE BEEN CUT TO ENABLE YOU TO BUY AT THIS PRICE 1. This is a special bulk purchase together with another bulk purchase which MTM Consultants Ltd. negotiated for another institution. Due to the quantity, the price is low. 2. You buy DIRECT from the distributor. Thus, the retailer's 50% mark-up is saved. 3. The Santron factory is making a special assembly of this order and arranging a bulk supply of rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries from Japan. Nickel cadmium batteries are over $6 per set of 4 wholesale, and up to $9.40 per set retail. 4. The distributors have trimmed their profit margin to depend on quantity. This offer valid until 21st March 1975 only. Delivery date expected to be 31st March 1975 but orders will be posted strictly according to the order in which they are received. Santron 8-SR Capabilities BASIC FUNCTION(+ − × −) * Chain Operation * Intermixed Operation * Repeated Operation * Constant Operation * Memory Operation * The Interchange of X-and Y-register. * The Interchange of X-register and Memory SCIENTIFIC FUNCTION: *Sine * Cosine * Tangent * Are Sine * Are Cosine * Are Tangent * Exponential function * Natural Logarithmic Function * Common Logarithmic Function * The Reciprocal * The Square Root * The Power Function * Display The pi Constant (3 1415926) THE SANTRON 8-SR SCIENTIFIC SLIDE RULE 1. FEATURES A lgebraic mode operation Accumulating memory register. Chain and mixed calculation Constant operation X and Y memory registers Trigonometiric and inverse triognometric function Natural and common logarithmic function constant operation Degrees and randoms calculations es, x, 1/x operations. 2. DISPLAY: 8 digits digitron green tube display, easy to read. 3. OPERATION: 4 (+, −, ×, −) function degree or radians calculation of trigonometric functions (sinx, cosx, tan x) and inverse trigonometric functions (sin−1 ×, cos−1 ×, tan−1 ×). natural and common logorith mic functions, exponstal (ex), square root (x), pi constont raciprocal (1/x) and (xy) operations. 4. DECIMAL POINT: Floating decimol calculation. 5. POWER: DC use 4 pen-light battery UM3×4. AC use AC adapter DC 6V 30mA. 6. SIZE: 29mm X 76 mm 135mm. 7. WEIGHT: 165gm 4 rechargeable batteries supplied. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE MTM Consultants Ltd. guarantee to refund your money in full without question if you are not satisfied in any way with your SANTRON 8-SR provided you return it within seven days. 12 MONTHS GUARANTEE Against defects and workmanship applies and a GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE will be sent with each calculator. THIS OFFER IS VALID UNTIL 21st MARCH 1975 ONLY. Post this coupon now to MTM Consultants Ltd., P.O. Box 10203, Wellington. 290 Lambton Quay, Wellington. Phone 44-249. Please send me Santron 8-SR Slide Rule Electronic Calculator. Name........................................... Address........................................... College........................................... Exam............................................ Enclosed $59 cheque money-order THIS OFFER APPLIES TO STUDENTS. SCHOOLS. COLLEGES AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ONLY.