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Salient. Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Volume 38, Number 16. July 9 1975

Sanyo have the keys to it all CZ2171 Desk Unit A 10 digit scientific calculator with 2 digit exponents. In addition to the CZ8124 features, it has yx. Arc, x2, x-y and 2 levels of parenthesis. AC or DC on rechargeable Cadnica batteries. $139.00 with AC adaptor CZ8124 Pocket Unit. A complete 8 digit "economy" scientific calculator with 2 digit exponent. In addition to its basic functions, it has a fully addressable memory, exponents, log, pi, 1/X, V, ex, sin. cos, tan, sin-1, cos -1 tan -1, radi…

Sanyo have the keys to it all CZ2171 Desk Unit A 10 digit scientific calculator with 2 digit exponents. In addition to the CZ8124 features, it has yx. Arc, x2, x-y and 2 levels of parenthesis. AC or DC on rechargeable Cadnica batteries. $139.00 with AC adaptor CZ8124 Pocket Unit. A complete 8 digit "economy" scientific calculator with 2 digit exponent. In addition to its basic functions, it has a fully addressable memory, exponents, log, pi, 1/X, V, ex, sin. cos, tan, sin-1, cos -1 tan -1, radians and degrees. AC or DC power. $80.50 without AC adaptor. CZ8008 Pocket Unit A semi-scientific 8 digit calculator with all basic calculations — constant on all four functions, chain and mixed calculations. Transcendental functions — sin. cos and tan from an angle expressed in degrees or radians. Convenience functions — square root, square reciprocal and picalculations. AC or DC power. $54.50 without AC adapter FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT SANYO CALCULATOR INFORMATION BUREAU P.O Box 6192. Te Aro. Wellington Or Phone 59-659 68-70 GHUZNEE STREET. WELLINGTON. 1. NAME ADDRESS 'AC adaptor on these models are extra at $7.50 each. SANYO what the future holds, today. by AUTOCRAT