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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Volume 40 Number 9. April 26 1977

THIS WEEK IS CAPPING WEEK!!! REGISTER YOUR STUNTS AT STUDASS. TUESDAY APRIL 26. 9.45a.m. -3.15p.m. Poetry: anyone who cares to read it. Bring your own! (This is organised, honest.) Rankine Brown courtyard. 11-2p.m. Film series. Alistair Cooke's "America." Film 2: "Gone West" —This film follows a wagon train across the prairie to California gold. Memorial Theatre. 2.15p.m. Union Films: 'Straw Dogs.' Memorial Theatre. 3-4p.m. Exec v Salient. Come and watch the Exec battle it out over an indoor ne…

THIS WEEK IS CAPPING WEEK!!! REGISTER YOUR STUNTS AT STUDASS. TUESDAY APRIL 26. 9.45a.m. -3.15p.m. Poetry: anyone who cares to read it. Bring your own! (This is organised, honest.) Rankine Brown courtyard. 11-2p.m. Film series. Alistair Cooke's "America." Film 2: "Gone West" —This film follows a wagon train across the prairie to California gold. Memorial Theatre. 2.15p.m. Union Films: 'Straw Dogs.' Memorial Theatre. 3-4p.m. Exec v Salient. Come and watch the Exec battle it out over an indoor net ball game. Cheer for your team. Gym. 4-6p.m. SASRAC: wear a hat and win a Tee-shirt! 4.30p.m. Last pottery classes for the term — classes resume 1st week of second term. Enquiries to Pippa, ph 888-285 —still some vacancies. Visual Arts House. 5-7p.m. Scottish Country Dancing. It's a good way to meet people, have fun and keep fit too. Come along and try. All welcome. Union Hall. 8-12p.m. SKI CLUB wine and stein. WEDNESDAY APRIL 27. 11-1p.m. Drinking horn: tennis courts. 12-2p m. SRC: This is a special capping event (Pleze don't quote me.) 12-4p.m. Learn a new skill or share an old one. Contact RELAX. Learn to play hockey or table-tennis. Gym store. 1p.m.,3p.m Last Pottery Classes for the term —classes resume 1st week of second term. Some vacancies — ph Pippa 888-285. Visual Arts House. 2.15p.m. Union Films. A Man Called Horse.' Memorial Theatre. 3- 4p.m. Assessment Action Committee Meeting: All welcome. To discuss ways of actioning Assessment policy. Boardroom. 4-6p.m SASRAC: Cafe "In which Doris gets her oats!" (No I don't know what that means either.) 5p.m. Women's Study Group. Group discussion on a strategy for the abortion campaign. Come along and add your ideas and thoughts on the subject. Lounge. THURSDAY APRIL 28. 12-2p.m. Drama Society audition for lunch time play: 'Triangle' by James Saunders. Male actors only) Smoking Room. 12- 2 p.m. Seminar on rising prices; is a price boycott effective? Speakers: Cath Kelly (CARP) Sandra McCullum (Working Women's Alliance.) Union Hall. 12- 1pm Treasure Hunt: Bring something unusual to Rankine Brown courtyard and win a prize. 1-2p.m. Pastor Pearson will share an hour on how to get in touch with God through Jesus Christ. Lounge. 2-4p.m. "Keg and Canter" through Kelburn and the Bot Gardens. Start: Hunter Lawn. 4-7p.m. "Mexican Petes Tequila Sundown." Cafe. 5p.m. Union films "American Graffiti" Memorial Theatre. 5p.m. Last pottery classes for the term; resume 1st week of 2nd term. Some vacancies; ph Pippa 888-285. 7.30p.m. Gay Liberation meeting. All gay women and men welcome. Smoking Room. 8p.m. Philosophical Society Meeting. "Altered States of Consciousness" by Jack Norman, visiting philosopher from the University of Michigan, followed by tea coffee etc. All welcome. Conference Room, 6th floor, Easterfield. FRIDAY APRIL 29. 1-3p.m. "Lion Red Raft Race" Oriental Bay. 9-1.30 a.m. Fiji Club Capping Disco with 2ZM'z Mike Dee. Cafe. SATURDAY APRIL 30. NIGHTTIME: Capping Ball. Details to be announced. NEXT WEEK: MONDAY MAY 2. MSSA Slide Show evening. Supper includes "Loh Mee" All very welcome. Cafeteria. Any club can put notices of meetings in this news sheet. Deadline is midday Thursday in the Students Association Office. No late entries will be accepted.