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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 21. August 29 1977

NZUSA FORUM All the NZUSA big-shots have been invited and this is your chance to ask them what they've been doing and tell them why you're pissed off with them. An excellent way to take out those pre-exam tensions in a constructive manner. NZUSA FORUM UNION HALL 12 - 2 THURSDAY SEPT 1ST

NZUSA FORUM All the NZUSA big-shots have been invited and this is your chance to ask them what they've been doing and tell them why you're pissed off with them. An excellent way to take out those pre-exam tensions in a constructive manner. NZUSA FORUM UNION HALL 12 - 2 THURSDAY SEPT 1ST