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Salient. Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 41 No. 5. March 27 1978

BURKES MULTI SERVICES Service Station. Garage At present we have a full range of 10 speed touring cycles. Our current stocks include all parts and accessories including Touring bags. Drive down to Burkes in Kilburnie and cycle Your way towards health and economy. Buy a Bike from Burkes 16—22 Coutts St. Kilbirnie Wellington Phone: 873—039. PO Box 14001

BURKES MULTI SERVICES Service Station. Garage At present we have a full range of 10 speed touring cycles. Our current stocks include all parts and accessories including Touring bags. Drive down to Burkes in Kilburnie and cycle Your way towards health and economy. Buy a Bike from Burkes 16—22 Coutts St. Kilbirnie Wellington Phone: 873—039. PO Box 14001