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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 20. August 27 1979

FOR SALE For Sale: one student body, slightly used, with many productive years ahead of it. Due to inadequate bursary assistance, I cannot see it being sustained at a healthy level in 1980. Would suit Karori businessman (or any other who can now afford a decent education). Price: an adequate living allowance — or near offer. Please contact: Desperate Student c/- No Fixed Abode PS Food scraps will always be appreciated

FOR SALE For Sale: one student body, slightly used, with many productive years ahead of it. Due to inadequate bursary assistance, I cannot see it being sustained at a healthy level in 1980. Would suit Karori businessman (or any other who can now afford a decent education). Price: an adequate living allowance — or near offer. Please contact: Desperate Student c/- No Fixed Abode PS Food scraps will always be appreciated.